hopeless causes

I burn my tongue on the rice. I see the steam and feel the heat but my brain insists. So I shovel it in. That raw blistered skin on the pallet of my mouth hanging in soft tingling bubbles; I’ve felt this pain before, many times before. St. Jude comes to my aid, when I…


It’s like falling in a dream. You awaken to the realization that you probably just died again and there’s nothing you can do to go back to that feeling. Sure you can remember but that never relieves the pain of knowing you liked it. I often wonder what it’s like to breathe your last breath……

whistled wet

the antichrist came to me in a dream and told me i was a dream waiting to be destroyed by him. A golem, assembled pieces of the dead perfection of a forlorn class of socialites, he transmitted greed and loathing. I saw him for what he truly was though a broken child who had been…