
gruesome. a torn piece of paper. the rip at the seams. a careful study in pornography. cartwheels and flying kites. summersaults and broken knives. good guy bad guy routine. tasty real skin deep. zesty reels piled high. conniving bitch. ao ao ao howl. i wish you were awake right now. I’d read bad poetry to…


I’m filing a grievence. The courts no longer function to serve God’s justice, in fact, I doubt they ever did. You may say, but God is an hallucination, and in reply I say to you, How do you know? Is it because someone insists by threat of death that you stop believing in HIM. Do…

The medication, the doctors, and the system.

First, the system. They’ll continue to allow, for now at least, the glorification of violence in television and film. They’ll glorify and praise the use of violence in their military execution and law enforcement training. They’ll chuckle when someone gets tazed or pepper spray in their eyes. They’ll give pats on the back when they’ve…

Late to bed

I often find time. Inescapable time. What more can be said? What ever happened to “A government for the people, by the people, of the people?” In whatever order it was said, I think government has managed to separate itself from the people. As a person who has been characterized as mentally ill, any of…

Do what you want

The slippery slope, the clichés come rolling off the fingertips, endangered many who fell prone to the disease of interstellar travel. I listen like a mouse to the snarling of nearby dogs trained to oust me. This integer here integer there kind of approach to government appalls me. What will they do with me? They’ll…